Group Supported Group Living Residences
Program Goals
To provide community accommodation services and supports to adults with a developmental disability that promotes social inclusion, individual choice, independence and rights.
Service Objectives:
- To provide accommodation, supports and supervision to adults with a developmental disability in group living residences.
- To support the development of a personal Individual Support Plan (ISP) based on the principles of self-determination, social inclusion, citizenship and choice and to provide services that are reflective of this plan.
Service Description:
People Served
- Services and supports are for persons who reside in Ontario, are at least 18 years of age and have a developmental disability as defined by the Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008.
- Individuals served reside in a supported group living residence – a staff-supported residence operated by a service agency, in which three or more persons with developmental disabilities reside and receive services and supports from the agency.
Program / Service Features:
A supported group living residence is a staff-supported residence operated by a service agency, in which three or more persons with developmental disabilities reside and receive services and supports from the agency.
Specific service provided:
- On site access to 24/7 staffing support for individuals;
- Accommodation for a group of three;
- Supports to develop, review and implement an Individual Support Plan (ISP);
- Supports for activities of daily living such as assisting a person with personal hygiene, dressing, grooming, meal preparation, administration of medication, and includes training related to money management, banking, using public transportation and other life skills;
- Supports for participation in community activities provided by residential staff;
- Supports for maintaining personal relationships and family connections, as desired by the individual;
- Providing/ensuring for the health, safety and wellness of individuals (health concerns, identifying safeguards, personal safety and security).
Services Description:
The Community Support Services 24 – Hour Supports Program provides the training and assistance necessary for individuals that require 24 – hour support on site in one apartment with 3 person’s sharing that site.
Support occurs in a wide variety of areas such as personal care, household maintenance, cooking, handling-money, shopping, decision-making, social activities, leisure and recreation according to an ISP with a focus on individual abilities.