Employment Supports
Program Goals
To provide employment supports to adults with a developmental disability that promotes social inclusion, individual choice, independence and rights.
Service Objectives:
- To prepare people for, and support them in employment settings, which may lead to competitive employment in the community.
- To support the development of a personal Individual Support Plan (ISP) based on the principles of self-determination, social inclusion, citizenship and choice and to provide services that are reflective of this plan.
Service Description:
People Served
Services and supports are provided to individuals who reside in Ontario, are at least 18 years of age and have a developmental disability as defined by the Services and Supports to Promote the Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008.
Program / Service Features:
Specific service provided:
Supports to prepare individuals for employment; Transitioning individuals to competitive employment support programs; Facilitating and supporting education and training; Situational assessment; Job development; Job training; Job coaching; Intervention with employers for individuals to maintain employment; and Supports needed to place, maintain, or change the employment of an individual in a work setting.
Good Impressions Site
Good Impressions, a store-front operation, provides on the job training in a variety of situations such as folding, collating, stamping, stuffing, binding, photocopying, engraving, packaging, document shredding, laminating, and a variety of other printing related skills can be acquired. Individuals also have the opportunity to work in our customer service reception area, learning office and recreation skills readily transferable to community employment.
A variety of choices for work and alternative activities are offered dependent upon the ability, interests & choice of individuals.
Community Resource Centre
A drop in centre for community participation available to developmentally challenged individuals as well as anyone who may like to stop for a visit or just have coffee. Coffee times are at local businesses as well as many activities out in the community and at this site.
Activities focus on individuals who wish to pursue creative alternatives and active choices considering personal preferences and individual interests.
Support levels provided changes according to individual choice through training, counseling, and opportunity to for choices to participate actively and have access to other resources in the community.
Participation is identified through the Personal Outcomes model and is coordinated by the supervisor in charge of the site.
Goals that are identified through the Personal Outcomes Model will be formulated into an individual’s service plan.
Support levels vary depending upon the individual.
ODSP – Ontario Disability Support Program
Program goals
To ensure that a range of goods and services are available for individuals which help to reduce or eliminate disability-related barriers to employment and assist individuals to reach their competitive employment goal.
Program / Service Features:
Specific services provided as an ODSP provider:
Job placement may include the following services and supports: finding and/or developing workplace training (job trials, work experience, on-the-job training) and employment opportunities; job development with employers in the community; screening and matching individuals to job opportunities; job preparation activities (e.g., orientation to the workplace rules, worker’s rights and responsibilities, job skills training, etc.); assisting participants to conduct job search in the area of occupational interests (e.g., preparing resumes, covering letters, employment applications, licenses, etc.); arranging any necessary job training and/or employment placement supports (e.g., transportation to work,work supplies, clothing, telephone expenses, certification charges, etc.); putting in place the supports required by the individual to overcome barriers in doing the job (e.g., special equipment, job coaches, etc.); providing supportive follow-up to the employer and the individual; and, negotiating with the employer the provision of employee accommodations
CORE – Creating Opportunities Regionally for Employment
This project is a collaboration with the Rainy River District School Board and CLFFD to provide employment training and promote person centered thinking, person centered planning practices in transitional planning within the secondary school system and provide community participation in employment through skills development that reduce barriers that limit opportunities during and beyond the secondary school years.
The training actively engages participants to make sense of issues that affect their lives through a process within a group setting for self-determination and self-discovery that identifies; skills, assets, issues and needs, plan what to achieve and take appropriate action to develop activities and service for their transferrable skills and build confidence in their progress to building the life they envision and participate in the community to the greatest extent possible.